Ways To Promote Clean Air Both Inside And Outside

The Trees Around You Help You Have Clean Air

The Trees Around You Help You Have Clean Air

Have you ever gone to a place in the country, where it’s away from the city and away from a lot of pollution? What happens when you do that? Your lungs are probably amazed at how it feels. All of that clean air that you may not notice where you are normally.

All of the trees around have something to do with that. Did you know that May 16th is National Love a Tree Day? That’s the day that we celebrate the living things that are responsible for helping keep our air clean. Read on to see more about clean air!

Clean Air Helps Lower Medical Costs

One of the things that clean air can help greatly with is lowering the chance of respiratory problems such as allergies, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis.

Because you have fewer issues with respiratory problems, you won’t have to go to the doctor as often or get prescriptions.

Respiratory issues often will require medications that are expensive to effectively manage the problems. So when you have fewer issues with your respiratory system, it can help you with saving money.

A Good HVAC System Helps You Have Clean Air Inside

There’s no secret that the air outside is polluted, which is why you want to have a good HVAC system. But you also want to make sure that your HVAC system gives you clean air inside.

If your HVAC system is outside, you want to make sure you’re keeping your system free from debris. You should be checking the unit regularly for pollen, leaves, sticks, dirt or other kinds of debris.

Clear any debris from your system’s sides and top with a pair of gloves as well as a hose if need be. This will allow your system’s fan to have the most airflow possible as well as letting your unit last longer and be more efficient. So that your system’s as clean as possible, try removing anything that’s blocking your system’s airflow. There should be a clearance of around 24 inches around your unit.

Celebrate by Gardening

Spring is a great time to go outside and do some gardening. Either you can go to the community center and see the activities that are available. You also can do some gardening in your own yard.

If you aren’t sure of the trees that are going to work in your yard, you can ask at a nursery. They will be able to give you some information based on what you expect and the size of the property.

It also can help with teaching kids about how plants can provide resources to us. Get the whole family involved! Chances are that you may not think too much about clean air and how trees make a big difference in keeping our air clean.

But clean air benefits you, your children, pets and wild animals. If you are interested in our services here at Tom Drexler Plumbing, Air and Electric. or you want to know more about what we can do to help you, get in contact with us. We’re always glad to answer questions and help you in any way we can. We’re concerned about the environment and your health.

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