Safe And Dependable Guide To Going Green | Tom Drexler

Safe and Dependable Guide to Going Green

As a homeowner, you are always looking to cut costs when it comes to your energy and water bills. One way to slash your bills is to adopt a green approach to your home. In addition to saving money, green practices will help the environment too. It’s a win-win.

Going green is easy; you just need to have a plan. Here are some pointers:

Homeowners Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

You can reduce your carbon footprint in a number of ways in your daily life, but you can really make inroads with actions you can take surrounding some of your home’s components.

Make sure that your HVAC unit is in tip-top shape by getting it tuned-up at least twice a year. It is also a good idea to make sure that your ducts are sealed and cleaned of debris to ensure that cool or warm air can flow unimpeded.

Install eco-friendly plumbing fixtures to help regulate water flow and reduce waste. Install a tankless water heater to reduce your energy use.

Plant Trees for More Shade

Instead of cranking up the A/C to keep cool in the summer, plant trees outside your windows. The natural shade of the leafy branches will effectively cool your home. For maximum benefit, plant trees where you’ll be able to take most advantage of the shadows depending on the position of the sun and the season.

Turn the Thermostat Up (or Down)

You’ll realize a great deal of savings by keeping your thermostat a little higher in the summer and using a ceiling fan to move the air. The same goes for turning the thermostat down in the winter and putting on a sweater.

You can make your heating and cooling more cost and energy efficient by installing a programmable thermostat or zone heating.

Close the Chimney for the Season

You may not use your fireplace as the temperatures outside increase, so don’t forget to close the chimney flue. If you leave it open, you run the risk of the air that your HVAC system has worked so hard to cool escaping.

Lighting and HVAC Energy Efficiency

Don’t wait for light bulbs to burn out before you change them. Go through your whole home and change them to LED lighting. Don’t forget to turn the lights off when you leave the room.

Use energy efficient HVAC products too. Consider a high-efficiency heat pump to heat your home effectively and inexpensively; they work just as well to cool your home too.

Make the Switch to Solar Powered Appliances

While you may be aware of the cost and environmental benefits of using solar power for your home’s power source, did you know that there is even more benefit to using solar powered appliances?

Your fridge sucks up a large amount of power to run. Switching to a solar fridge lets you keep your food cool for a fraction of the operating costs, while being kind to the environment. And if the power goes out, you don’t have to worry about food spoiling, because you don’t depend on electricity.

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