Remember Those Who've Served Our Country This Memorial Day

Memorial Day – A Day to Remember Those Who’ve Fought and Died for Our Country

Memorial Day – A Day to Remember Those Who’ve Fought and Died for Our Country

Memorial Day is here. Do you have big plans for it? Maybe you plan to visit family. Maybe you’re headed to the shore. Maybe a big cookout. But what do you plan to do that actually has to do with Memorial Day? Because remember that Memorial Day has a very important meaning.

It doesn’t have to do with cookouts or going to the shore. It doesn’t have to do with summer. It has to do with the men and women who have paid the ultimate price fighting for the country, our freedom, and even our luxuries like HVAC systems.

Celebrate Decoration Day / Memorial Day by Reading to Your Kids

Did you know that Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day? It was originally created to go and put flowers on the graves of those who had passed away in the Civil War.

Sadly, these days a lot of people think it’s a day to have picnics and not think about the true meaning. One of the best ways that you can celebrate this special day is reading a book to your kids about veterans.

Teach your kids that this day means something special and isn’t just about summer starting. Even Bunting’s The Wall is a good choice. You can also take them to a memorial.

Ways to Celebrate Armed Forces Day

Another big patriotic day in the United States is Armed Forces Day. It’s not as well-known as Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day, but it’s a holiday just the same.

It’s a day that we use to celebrate all of the people who have served in the armed forces and thank them for what they have done to make this a better country. Below are some of the ways that you can celebrate this day on May 18th.

  • Show Gratitude – One of the best ways that you can celebrate is to say thanks to the veterans that you see. Anywhere you see them, make sure that you express your thanks.
  • Send Them Cards – You can send out cards to the veterans and include notes in them telling them that you appreciate what they are doing. They’re fighting for your freedom.
  • Talk to the Veterans You Know – Chances are that you have at least one veteran in the family. Sit down and listen to their stories. There’s nothing like hearing about history right from someone who lived it!
  • Visit Them at a Hospital – There’s plenty of veteran’s hospitals around. Why not go and visit the veterans there? They’ll truly appreciate the gesture.
  • Take Care of Veterans’ Graves – This can be done by putting flowers on them or even spruce them up by pulling weeds or other things. The family and other veterans are going to appreciate that.

We Always Thank Our Clients

We are always appreciative about any clients that we have, but those who have served the country hold special places in our hearts. We provide high-quality service and we want to show you that we are the company to choose from when you want a company that you can count on.

At Tom Drexler Plumbing, Air, and Electric. we are always willing to answer your questions and let you know how we can help you. Whether you need help with your electrical system, air conditioning or plumbing, we are glad to show you what we can do and give you a fair price.

Call us at (502) 716.5430 and ask any questions that you have. Together we are celebrating our veterans and what they have done for our country.

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