Back-to-School Home Maintenance Needs | Tom Drexler

Back-to-School Home Maintenance Needs

Back-to-School Home Maintenance Needs

The end of the summer is approaching faster than most people would like to admit. That means a few different things. That means that kids everywhere are going back to school. It means that the temperatures are going to drop. It also means that a new season is about to begin. If you want to prepare for the fall months like a champion, this home maintenance checklist can come in extremely handy. The autumn is a great opportunity to keep your residence in check, after all.

Clean Out Your Gutters 

Rain gutter clogs can be a big problem. They can trigger the development of ice dams. Ice dams, in turn, can trigger the need for costly and time-consuming repair work. If you want to keep this headache out of your life in the fall and beyond, you should clear out your gutters. Do this once all of the leaves are on the ground. Get rid of twigs, leaves and residue in general. Be on the lookout for water accumulation and drooping, too. If you notice any tired downspouts, replace them as soon as possible.

Assess Your Furnace

The fall months are all about preparing for significantly cooler temperatures. Don’t be in denial of that fact. Assess your furnace. Make an appointment with an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Cooling) technician who can evaluate your heating system in considerable detail. A good tuning can prepare you for the colder weather that’s about to come your way. It’s also vital to swap out your furnace filters.

Say Goodbye to Openings and Cracks

Heat loss can make the colder seasons of the year uncomfortable and annoying, to say the least. If you want to stop precious heat from making its way out of your home, you should meticulously close up any openings and cracks on your structure. Weather-stripping and caulking can both work like a charm. A little bit of effort and preparation can keep your home toasty and warm all through the autumn and winter months. It can also help minimize your monthly energy bills.

Take a Careful Look at Your Roof

Your roof is supposed to protect your home in times of severe and extreme weather conditions. That’s the reason there’s no better time to assess your roof than when back to school season rolls around each September. Look at your roof. Ask yourself if you notice any subtle indications of problems. Lost and buckled shingles are just two examples. If you want to get ready for the fall and winter like a home maintenance wizard, you should address any and all roof problems as soon as possible. Doing so can stop issues from getting worse. It can also keep your repair costs manageable and low. Complicated roof repair work can often cost a pretty penny, after all.

Take Care of Your Pruning Duties 

It’s critical to stay on top of your outdoor landscape needs all year long. The fall months are certainly no exception to the rule. If you want your garden to stay in superb condition, prune your trees and plants. Do this as soon as the summertime growth period comes to a close. You should strive to make sure that branches and limbs aren’t too close to your residence. They should always be a minimum of three full feet away from it. This healthy distance can stop pesky moisture from making its way onto your siding and roof. It can also protect your structure from the dangers of intense and strong winds.

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